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Nadia Khan Nadia Khan

Ghalib: ‘The Greatest Urdu Poet of all Time

Beloved Urdu poet Mirza Beg Asadullah Khan - more popularly known as Ghalib was born in 1797 in Agra. He had central Asian heritage - his family hailing from Samarkand. He lived during the East India Company’s control of India and also witnessed the dissolution of the Mughal Empire and the establishment of the British Raj.

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Nadia Khan Nadia Khan

Jinnah: The Sole Spokesman review

“How did a Pakistan come about which fitted the interests of most Muslims so poorly?“ This is the question posed by acclaimed historian, Ayesha Jalal. In her book the ‘Sole Spokesman’, Jalal explores the role of Muhammad Ali Jinnah - the architect of Pakistan and the country’s first Governor-General. 

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‘Except for Palestine’:  Book Review
Nadia Khan Nadia Khan

‘Except for Palestine’: Book Review

Ever wondered why many so-called ‘liberals’ and activists, don’t express the same fervour towards Palestine? I think this book does a top notch job in exposing this hypocrisy. The focus is on the politics of the USA, laying a portion of responsibility and blame on politicians for the current situation and maltreatment of the Palestinians.

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