‘Except for Palestine’: Book Review

Ever wondered why many so-called ‘liberals’ and activists, don’t express the same fervour towards Palestine?

I think this book does a top notch job in exposing this hypocrisy.

The focus is on the politics of the USA, laying a portion of responsibility and blame on politicians for the current situation and maltreatment of the Palestinians. They have blood on their hands and have a lot to answer for!

“Americans share significantly the blame for this situation. Our overwhelming silence is a betrayal of the noble, definitive ideals that liberals and progressives profess to hold dear.“

The book exposes the historical stance of the USA which is negatively geared against Palestine and pro-Israeli. This did not just arise in the era of Trump although he was much more open and non-strategic through his outrageous actions.

Using factual examples, the authors show how this attitude has been morally and ethically abhorrent. The reality has been a systematic oppression and subjugation of the Palestinians who have been turned into refugees in their own land!

How can those with democratic and progressive views support all other causes and people, but continue in their oppression of the Palestinians?

This just proves that there is one rule for Palestine and another for the rest of the world.

“Are many of the same liberals and progressives, who routinely express outrage at global humanitarian crises… do not extend the same political rationale, commitment or sympathy toward Gaza. How has Gaza become exceptional?”

The arguments really open your eyes to the hypocrisy and blatant injustice that exists for the Palestinian people, both in Palestine and the diaspora. The authors call for this to change, with the view that there has been a marked change in recent years amongst the democrats in their sympathy with the Palestinians. With this there is hope that Israel’s lack of care and accountability is coming to an end.

“Palestinians are entitled to the same rights to freedom, justice, equality, safety and self-determination as everyone else around the world. Only from this place can equal human, civil, individual and national rights for both Israeli and Palestinians be achieved. This approach is not only morally and ethically sound, it is the only one that can win.”

Review of ‘Except for Palestine’: The Limits of Progressive Politics’ by Marc Lamont Hill and Mitchell Plitnick

Nadia Khan

Historian, writer and communications professional.
I write and blog about the shared stories, histories and culture of the Muslim world and beyond.


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