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Nadia Khan Nadia Khan

Jinnah: The Sole Spokesman review

“How did a Pakistan come about which fitted the interests of most Muslims so poorly?“ This is the question posed by acclaimed historian, Ayesha Jalal. In her book the ‘Sole Spokesman’, Jalal explores the role of Muhammad Ali Jinnah - the architect of Pakistan and the country’s first Governor-General. 

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Nadia Khan Nadia Khan

The Story of Pakistan: 75 Years of Independence

Whether the partition of India was the right or wrong thing to do is a debate that still sparks much polarised opinions and emotion. For some it was a catastrophic moment that divided India; for others, it was the only option for Muslims to keep their faith and way of life.

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Nadia Khan Nadia Khan

The human cost of Indian Partition

Indian partition “was one of the twentieth centuries darkest moments,” according to well respected historian, Yasmin Khan. In her book, The Great Partition: The Making of India and Pakistan, Yasmin shows the impact of this tragic period in history on the people of the subcontinent. She focuses on the lives that perished, the ensuing refugee crisis and the loss of a homeland for all parties.

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Nadia Khan Nadia Khan

Iqbal: The visionary behind Pakistan

Muhammad Iqbal, the great poet and philosopher was indeed the visionary behind the Islamic republic of Pakistan; his life and works have shaped Muslim thought and living history, especially in the subcontinent.

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