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Nadia Khan Nadia Khan

John Barnes: ‘The Uncomfortable Truth About Racism’ Book Review

In John Barnes recent book, ‘The Uncomfortable Truth About Racism’ he unapologetically gives his thoughts and beliefs about the causes, effects and solutions for racism in society. Barnes’ book is part-autobiography and part-strategy on dealing with racism at a deeper and more conscious level.

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Nadia Khan Nadia Khan

Aurangzeb: Islamophobic hate figure

Despite Aurangzeb’s leadership qualities and military prowess (he was first Indian ruler to bring the whole of the subcontinent under centralised control), he is vilified for being a Muslim ‘fundamentalist’, anti-Hindu and an all-round unlikable person. In ‘The Anarchy’, William Dalrymple describes Aurangzeb as being an “unusually cold, ruthless and unpleasant character.” Renowned historian, Audrey Truschke in her book, ‘Aurangzeb: The Life and Legacy of India’s Most Controversial King’ turns this narrative on its head and writes about a man of moral character, piety and justice; despite his many flaws.

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Lost Islamic Histories: Book review
Nadia Khan Nadia Khan

Lost Islamic Histories: Book review

Lost Islamic Histories by Firas Alkhateeb gives a simple holistic overview of the history of Islamic empires from the Prophet Muhammad’s time until the twentieth century.

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From Indo-Pakistan to Trinidad: The story of roti
Nadia Khan Nadia Khan

From Indo-Pakistan to Trinidad: The story of roti

Trinidadian Roti interestingly originated in Indo-Pakistan. Roti (rotee) is the Urdu/Hindi word for bread. It comes from the northern part of the Indian subcontinent which historically had a large Muslim population and was the centre of Mughal rule.

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