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Nadia Khan Nadia Khan

Accessible healthcare: A very Islamic concept

For centuries Muslims have been at the helm of medicinal and scientific advancements. Arabs have made significant contributions in this field, but so too did many other Muslims including those is Andalusia. Indeed, it is worth noting that the first public hospitals arose in Islamic cultures.

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Nadia Khan Nadia Khan

Cervantes’ Muslim connection

The father of Spanish literature, Cervantes (b.1547) is said to have based aspects of his famous book, ‘Don Quixote’ on Moorish figures and culture. He was after all writing at a time when the legacy of Moorish rule was still very obvious. It would have been virtually impossible for Cervantes to ignore such a prominent influence of Muslim culture and not draw on it for inspiration.

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Nadia Khan Nadia Khan

The Mosque of Cordoba

Indian Muslim Poet and Philosopher, Allama Iqbal visited ‘what was’ the Córdoba Mosque in 1931-32 (now a cathedral), and he was blown away by its magnificence. It evoked for him strong emotions as he saw it as a landmark of Islam.

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