Palestine: Occupation and cultural eradication

Palestinians have had their existence threatened for over 70 years. Not only has their land been taken from them through a brutal occupation since 1948, but their culture and identity is constantly at risk of erasure from the pages of history.

The food of the Palestinian people is closely linked with neighbouring Levantine cultures, and before the creation of nation states, there is a shared history and connection with the people of this region.

Foods such as falafel, tabbouleh, humous, za’atar, baba ghanoush are all part of the Palestinian repertoire - and also found across the Levant.

It is rewriting history and appropriating Palestinian culture, by not acknowledging the origins of the food from this rich cultural heritage.

Israelis have been claiming the food, erasing its authentic roots and history; systematically wiping out the Palestinians presence.

These actions sit alongside a host of other measures, to eradicate the existence of the Palestinian people.

In an article in the Washington Post, Food Writer, Reem Kassis eloquently states: “For Palestinians, whose national identity is constantly undermined without an independent state, constructs other than geography become vital to a sense of rootedness and identity.

“Food for Palestinians becomes a way to reclaim our country, if not geographically, at least psychologically and emotionally...That’s why referencing traditional dishes adopted from Palestinians as Israeli without regard to their origin is seen as adding insult to injury: First the land, now the food and culture?”

Nadia Khan

Historian, writer and communications professional.
I write and blog about the shared stories, histories and culture of the Muslim world and beyond.


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